The Circulation of our Monthly Internet Magazine has increased to
nearly 250,000 Pastors and Christian Leaders living all over the world, to nearly 200 countries.
We are receiving several good responses from the subscribers.
Every month a Special Article is being featured by Patriarch JOHN WILLIAMS.


January "The World History according to the Bible Part 3"
February "The World History according to the Bible Part 4"


December "The World History according to the Bible Part 2"
November "The World History According to the Bible Part 1"
October "Jewish History"
September "King Solomon's Temple"
August "Genealogy of Jesus Christ from Adam"
July "History of the world according to the Old Testament"
June "The Earth and its fullness thereof"
May Enjoying and Enriching your Life now!
April "What is Truth"
March "Creativity is the Characteristic of God"
February "With Long Life will I satisfy him and show him my Salvation"
January "All Things are possible to him that believes"


December "Teachings of Jesus Christ Part II"
November "Teachings of Jesus Christ Part I"
October " 96 Theses for reformation of Full Gospel and Pentecostal Churches in 2010"
September "World History for the last 6000 years"
August "The Teachings of Jesus Christ"
July "The Doctrine of Revelation"
June "The Doctrine of Revelation"
May "Self Control"
April "Spiritual Laws of God"
March "God's Laws of successful Life"
February "God's Laws of Successful Marriage"
January "Spiritual Dimensions"
December "Church Membership Vs Discipleship"
November "The History of the World from 4000 BC as recorded in the Bible
October "A Compendium of several significant historical events and anecdotes,
giving brief account of the History of the World, centered around some important
characters & events of the Bible"
September "History of the World as recorded in the Bible" Part  I

"World History from 4000 BC as recorded in the Bible"

July "Anointing of the Holy Spirit"
June "Every Good Management Principle is a Biblical Principal"
May "Success in the Ministry"
April "Creativity is one of the Greatest Attributes of God given to man, but is not fully utilized"
March "Entering, Living and Building the Kingdom of God"
February "Every Successful Management Principle is based on Bible Truths or Principles"
January "Planning for the Year 2009"
December "Creativity"
November "Violations of Scriptural Principles in Today's Ministry"
October "Spiritual Dimension"
September "Spiritual Beings, Laws & World as described in the Bible with Acceptable Facts"
August "The Reality and Superiority of the Spiritual over the Material"
July "Classic Sermon Series of Jesus Christ"
June "Artificial, Natural and Supernatural or Spiritual"
May "Natural and Supernatural"
April "Nations shall Rise and Nations shall Fall"
March "We have the mind of Christ!!"
February "Man has a Spirit, Soul and Body"
January "Time Management is God's Principle & Way"
January "Living by Faith"
February "Making a Covenant with God"
March "Church Management & Growth"
April "Evaluation and Control in Church Management"
May "Divine Revelation about living in the Kingdom of God"
June Promotional NewsLetter - 1 (subject: USA Conference/Honorary Doctorate)
July Promotional NewsLetter - 2 (subject: USA Conference/Honorary Doctorate)
August Promotional Newsletter - 3
(subject: Bible Correspondence Courses/Honorary Doctorate)
September Promotional Newsletter - 4 (subject: Theol. Courses/ Honorary Doctorate)
October Promotional Newsletter - 5 (Subject: Internet Theological Courses/Honorary Doctorates)
November The Spiritual Science
December Enjoying and Enriching your Life Now!!
January If there is a Counterfeit, there will be something that is Genuine: "Falling into Trance"
February "The Sources of Power in God's Kingdom"
March "Wisdom is the Principle Thing"
April "Test your Wisdom!"
May "Using Modern Technologies to reach the world with the Gospel"
June "Church Mission"
July "The Mission of Church"
August "Christian Leadership"
September "Ministry Ethics"
October "Divine Health, Divine Protection and Long Life"
November "The Calling for Ministry"
December "We can live in Heaven while we are on Earth, because of the Birth of Jesus on this Earth "
January There shall be Earthquakes in diverse places
February How can we be more effective and successful in our Ministry?
March Discipleship
April The Judgment of God
May Your Sin will find you out!
June Christian Leadership
July How Much Should we Give?
August Why Should we Prosper?
September The Wise and the Foolish
October Self-evaluation of Christian Leadership Qualities
November Management Technology
December The Doctrine of God
January The Grace of Lord Jesus Christ
February Worldliness and Materialism
April There is nothing greater than Love on this Earth
May Revelation Knowledge
June Meditation of the Word of God
July Royal Priesthood
August The Universal/Christian/Biblical Values
September What is "Giving" Scripturally & Spiritually Speaking?
October God's Economic System
November Responsibilities of Ministries
December How can one Explain "TSUNAMI"?
2003 & Before
Christ is Born !
Spirit of Anger
Walking and Talking with God
How God Speaks?
Money Anwereth All Things!
Experiencing the Foretaste of Heaven
War & Peace
Spiritual Growth
The Reasons why People are Reluctant, Hesitant & Stingy in Giving by Nature 
Why should we grow Spiritually?