"Anointing" Magazine - July 2009
A Monthly Internet Magazine of IICM Int'l Bible College, USA/INDIA

Founder/International President:
Rev.Dr. John Williams

President (U.S.A) :
Ms. Cynthia, NY, USA

International IICM Website:


Email: iicm@aol.com or intl@iicm.us


Indian IICM Website: http://www.iicmindia.org

Email id: iicmweb@iicm.us

1. International Internet/Correspondence Theological/Degree Courses
IICM Bible College USA/INDIA offers Internet Theological/Bible Degree Courses leading to
the following degrees:

B.Min., B.Th., B.D., B.B.S., B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min.,M.Th., M.Div., M.B.S., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.D., D.Min., Th.D., S.T.D. or Ph
(in Biblical Studies, Church Management, Christian Leadership etc.)
through Internet or Correspondence Bible College,
in English, the Major Languages of the World,
and in several Indian Languages such as
(Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, Punjabi, Nepali and Urdu)

Online Application Form

2. IICM Theological Open University
click here for more info

3. Featured Monthly Internet Article
"Anointing of the Holy Spirit"
by Rev. Dr. John Williams

4. Christian M.B.A.
(in Church Management, Christian Leadership, Management of Non-profit Religious Org.,
Bible College Administration etc.)
Click here for details

5. A 3 Month USA Diploma Course in
 "Christian Leadership & Church Management"

click here for details

6. Awarding Honorary Doctoral Degrees
to outstanding and distinguished candidates, such as
LL.D., D.Hum., D.Litt., D.D., D.Min. or Ph.D.
in Ministry, Divinity, Humanity, Literature, Public Service etc.
Details about the requirements to be completed will be furnished upon request to iicm@aol.com

7. Establishing and Operating a Network of IICM Bible Colleges & Extension Centers in the Key Cities of the world

The degrees listed below will be offered through
Internet / Correspondence / Day / Evening / Weekend Schools:

B.Min., B.Th., B.D.,B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min., M.Th., M.Div., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.Min., .Th.D., D.D.,S.T.D., D.C.L., D.C.M., and Ph.D.

(in Biblical Studies, Ministry, Church Management, Christian Leadership)
We will also give the right to any local bible college, church or an independent branch of IICM Bible College to do everything that we do from India and USA, using our course materials and to award

Click here for details

8.Positions Available in IICM USA Bible Colleges
located in various cities of INDIA. Those who would like to work in any of these Bible Colleges as:

a. Vice Presidents
b. Academic Deans
c. Chief Administrators
d. System's Managers
e. Directors Promotion & Publicity
f. Directors of Finance
g. Directors of International Affairs etc. in the main IICM Bible College in INDIA,
in English primarily and in some Indian languages, may send their Bio-data and photo by email to iicm@aol.com

9. Getting Spiritually and Organizationally connected with IICM USA Bible College in several ways as mentioned in the link:
Click here for details

10. International Christian Leadership Training Programs
will be conducted in various key cities of the world as announced in our Monthly Anointing Magazine and in our website (http://www.iicmweb.org)
When we have our Monthly International or National Pastors and Leaders
One Day Seminars in Chennai, INDIA and New York, USA,
we will also have an Ordination, Convocation and Consecration Service.
Click here for details

11. A Church near New York, in USA,
with a Parsonage, a Commercial Kitchen, a Large Multi-Purpose Dining Hall, Guest Rooms, Class Room, Chapel, Office Rooms etc.
for Rent or Lease (For a Week, Month or Year) or for Sale
Click here for a tour of this church and the facilities - Part 1 

Video Clipping of the Church - Part 2

12. You may serve IICM in several ways as mentioned in the link:
Click here for details

13.Global Opportunities through USA IICM Bible College for
expansion of ministry and financial growth
We are happy to announce for all those who are in the ministry, the opportunities that we can provide for further expansion of one’s ministry, nationally and globally, and also for unlimited financial growth,
to expand their ministries.
In order to get more details, please fill out and send the questionnaire pasted below:

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