A Monthly
Internet Magazine

Anointing Magazine 
June  2010

International Institute of  Church Management Inc., Fl, USA
A Division of IICM Registered Educational Trust, Chennai, INDIA
International IICM Website: http://www.iicmweb.org
iicm@aol.com & iicmweb@iicm.us


Special Article Featured for the Month
The Doctrine of Revelation
by Dr. John Williams


1. IICM Pastors & Leaders Conference - July 22, 2010
10.00 am  - Registration
10.30 am - Worship
11.00 am - Ordination
11.30 am - Consecration of Bishops
Arch Bishops & Cardinals of IICM
12.00 noon - Convocation
will be held at
International Christian Church
(of IICM)  at Plymouth, PA, USA
July 22 - 25, 2010
For details send an email to iicm@aol.com or click here for info



2. Applications, Nominations and Recommendations
are welcome to serve IICM, all over the world,  in various capacities such as follows:


You will be remunerated for any service rendered for IICM, and you will also be invited to USA,

  • IICM Cardinals for Countries

  • IICM Arch Bishops for States of India, and other Countries

  • IICM Bishops for Cities in India, and Cities around the World

  • Directors of IICM Extension Centers for Cities in India, and other Countries 

  • Faculty Members with specialization in various subjects

  • Alumni Association Directors for States & Countries

  • IICM Reps for any City in any Country of the World


to participate in our Int'l Pastors and Leaders Conferences, and for other Special Events. You may nominate suitable candidates with  their full bio-data and a photo through an email,  indicating the special qualifications, skills etc. for the above positions and you may also send your bio-data and photo through email indicating your interest in any specific position iicm@aol.com


3. We are planning to start
a Residential Bible College, USA from August 1, 2010
We need 100 Partners for this Project who can contribute in multiples of 
U.S. $ 1000 - $5000
with privileges to Teach in the Bible College, Full Time or Part Time
Recommend Students to study 1-4 years
Partners will be entitled to recommend candidates to study in this Bible College. 
Please send your response quickly.


4. Donating a large & well equipped church (with a parsonage) near NY, USA

For a contribution of any size to be used to start and a run a Bible School
Video Clipping of the Church

If you are interested in this property, please contact me by email to iicm@aol.com


5. IICM International  Internet Bible College
in Chennai, INDIA & Florida, USA

IICM Bible College USA/INDIA offers Internet Theological/Bible Degree Courses leading to the following degrees:

B.Min., B.Th., B.D., B.B.S., B.C.L., B.C.M.,
M.Min.,M.Th., M.Div., M.B.S., M.C.L., M.C.M.,
D.D., D.Min., Th.D., S.T.D. or

(in Church Management, Christian Leadership, Theology, Ministry, Biblical Studies etc.)
Scholarships will be awarded to the
Deserving students to the extent funds  are available, for 10 - 25% of the normal fees.
Online Application Form


6. Awarding Honorary Doctoral Degrees
to outstanding and distinguished candidates, as listed below
LL.D., D.Hum., D.Litt., D.D., D.Min. or Ph.D.
(in Ministry, Divinity, Humanity, Literature, Public Service etc.)
will be conferred to Deserving Candidates, provided they are willing to make a
small contribution towards the Scholarship Funds of IICM,
since thousands of applicants are unable to commence their Theological Studies for lack of financial resources.
Please send your bio-data and photo to be considered for awarding one of these Honorary Degrees. 
Click here for details


4. IICM Open Theological University
in which you can directly appear for the examination and earn Bachelor's or Master's Degree, if you have necessary Bible knowledge, Ministry Experience & Confidence !!
click here for more info


6. Christian M.B.A
(in Church Management, Christian Leadership,
Management of Non-profit/Religious Org., Bible College Administration etc.)
Click here for details



7. Opportunities for Establishing and Operating
IICM Branch Bible Colleges & IICM Extension Centers
 in the Key Cities of India, and the World !!
Through these Extension Centers, any Theological Degree Program or any other Project or Service we do can be done exactly as we do, (or any other Program with our permission) under an Agreement, using our Course Materials by sharing the Revenue with us and making an initial payment as mentioned in the
 Agreement Form.
 A copy of which can be viewed through the link given below:
Click here for details


8. IICM Alumni Association

In the Key Cities of every State of India and other Countries
Monthly Alumni Association Meetings
will be held in the most populated cities,
for which all Alumni of IICM  will be invited
to attend, and meet their IICM College mates.

If you would like to serve as the State Director of  the IICM Alumni Association,
for a Remuneration based on the Membership, please send your bio-data to iicm@aol.com


10. IICM National and International Board Members
If you desire to serve as an International or National IICM Board Member,
to make and implement policies and to conduct IICM Programs.
Please send your Bio-Data and a photo through an email to: iicm@aol.com



11. Health Related & Pharmaceutical products
 A wide range of portable health equipment and several self checking apparatus
 (FDA approved) are available for wholesale world wide distribution at a low price! Contact iicm@aol.com
Click here to view the presentation of the kind of products