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Daily Meditation :

Article of the Month 
July  2001
By Dr. John Williams

It is very important to approach the whole subject of giving in a different way.  The questions that we should ask must include the following: What does the Bible say about giving?  How can I be blessed more through giving?  How can I become a more liberal and sacrificial giver?  How can I develop a meaningful and challenging plan of giving?  What are the areas of giving in which I have failed to do my part?  It is also important to avoid asking the wrong questions such as follows:  Why everybody is asking for more money?  How can I give when I do not have enough for myself?  Why do people talk about money all the time?  It is also important to know why people do not give.  When once we identify the reasons why people do not give or are not able to give, we can deal with those problems.     

 1. Why people do not give
 People do not give for a various reasons and some of the key reasons are listed below:

A. Because of selfishness 
People are so selfish that they spend all the money for themselves.  They are so self centered that they only care about their health, comfort, security, happiness etc.  They do not care about the needs of others.

B. Because of lack of love and compassion for others
If a person is full of love, the love will constrain him to give to others, particularly when he sees their need.

C.  Because of lack of knowledge about the blessings of giving
Many people do not know how they can receive a blessing through giving.  If they really understand that by giving a little they receive a lot more, they will probably start giving, at least for the sake of receiving.

D. Because of lack of faith in the word of God
There are many promises in the word about the blessings one can receive by giving.  If people believe these promises they will respond positively by giving.  If they do not believe they will not give.

E. Because of the spirit of disobedience
The Bible commands us to give.  Many do not obey God's commandments just like some children that do not obey their parents.  It is because of the spirit of disobedience that influences them.  They need to be prayed over and be delivered to become givers.

F. Because of lack of burden in God's work
The need for money and other resources to do God's work is being communicated very well by many ministries.  In spite of that people are not moved to give, because they do not have any concern or burden for God's work.

G. Because of lack of burden for souls
Any one with a real burden for perishing souls will give liberally to the church and other ministries.  When they do not care about the lives of people here on this earth, they are not going to give to support the gospel work.

H. Because of the influence of the spirit of stinginess or miserliness
There is such a spirit as the spirit of stinginess or the spirit of miserliness.  Until and unless this spirit is cast out through prayer, counseling or deliverance they will not give.

I. Because of covetousness or materialism
Covetousness is a spirit.  This spirit will influence people to have a desire for things to the degree that until and unless they get it at any cost they will not have peace and satisfaction.  Jesus said, “Beware of covetousness…” (Luke 12:15). The Bible says that life does not consist in the abundance of things he possesses, but the people are very materialistic.  The goal of covetous or materialistic people is to get more and more things and wealth for themselves, as a result they will not worry about the need of others.  Their goal will be to get more and not to give to others.

J.  Because of lack of trust in God
The Bible says that if we give we will receive much more than what we give.  But people do not believe the Word of God.  If people trust God for all of their needs to be supplied, they will be liberal givers.  If God becomes their source they will have no problem giving anything to anyone.  Instead of that if they trust in their own riches, or strength, or wisdom, they will find it difficult to give.

K.  Because of Worldliness
Many people are so worldly that they do not have any spiritual values in life.  Giving is a spiritual act and a godly act.  People are either worldly or godly.  Only godly people give and the wordly people will not be inclined to give.

L.  Because of  the spirit of pride
The Bible says in  I John… , “…..and the pride of life”.  People who live in pride spend a lot of money to appear as rich than they really are. They try to increase their standard of life all the time.  They have what we call the false prestige.  Those who are driven or influenced by the spirit of pride will not be givers.  They want themselves to be in a higher position than others.

M.  Because of lack of contentment
Discontentment or dissatisfaction will cause a person to lose his joy and peace.  The Bible says that contentment with godliness is a great virtue (I Timothy 6:6). If people feel all the time that they do not have enough for themselves when are they going to give others what they need.

N.  Because of lack of gratitude or thankfulness
Many people in this world are not thankful or grateful to others for the favors they have done.  They tend to forget it so easily and quickly.   Therefore they fail to express their gratitude in a tangible way by giving something.  The best way to express ones thankfulness is by giving something tangibly.  Perhaps they should give more than what they received.

O.  Because of  lack of goodness
The Bible says in Acts 10:38, “Jesus went about doing good everywhere..”.  A good man will be doing good all the time.   Doing good means and includes giving what others need when they need out of true love and compassion.

P. Because they do not make vows, commitments and covenants
Many people do not make any vows, commitments or covenants to give or do anything.   Therefore they will never be obligated to give or do anything for any one. 

Q.  Because of poor stewardship
The Bible says that when much is given much will be required of us.  Further we should realize that nothing belongs to us and everything belongs to God, because Jesus has purchased us with his own blood.  If we take this position giving will be easy and natural. Many people think what they have is their hard earned money and that they can do whatever they want to do.

R.  Because they do not have much to give
Many do not give because they do not have much to give.  But the secret is by giving only you can increase what you have.  When you give a little you will receive a lot.  If you do not give, you will have much less and it will be even more difficult to give.  You can just reverse the trend by giving, because only by giving you can receive, and if you give more you will have much more.

S. Because of reluctance to make restitution with others
Many people should make restitution for making unlawful gains from others, when they truly repent for it and ask for forgiveness.  But many people may at the most just say “sorry” without making any restitution for their wrong doing.  This is a situation where giving or restoring is necessary but many do not do it.

T.  Because of being lovers of pleasures
In the last days in which we live according to the prophecy in II Timothy chapter 3, people have become lovers of pleasures.  Therefore they spend all of their resources for their own pleasure rather than alleviating the problems of others.  Unless their values change they will rather have more pleasure than meeting the needs of others.

2.  A weekly check list for giving
It is a good practice to give much thought to what we should give as tithes and offerings every week, review a checklist, record therein how we must give for each item, set aside that amount, take it to the next Sunday service and drop it off at the offering plate.  Giving should not be a sudden, momentary or an emotional decision.  The Bible Says in II Corinthians 9:7 that we must purpose  in our heart what we must give.  Giving is a very important act of our spiritual life.  Without giving what we should be giving we cannot fulfill the commandment of love.  The following checklist will be a very practical tool for growing in the area of giving and thereby receiving more blessings from God:

For the week upto Sunday 

1. Tithes                                 
    a. Salary
    b. Additional Earnings
    c. Profits Made
    d. Rent Collected
    e. Interest
    f.  Dividend
    g. Bonus
    h. Any Other

 2. Thanksgiving / Seed Faith Offering (for a special blessing)
a.   Healing
        b.   Deliverance
        c.   Prayer Answered
        d.  Special Blessing
        e.   Admission in school
        f.    Securing a Job
        g.   Preferred Job Transfer
        h.   Job Promotion
        i.    Driver's License
        j.    Visa
        k.   Birthday
        l.    Wedding Anniversary
        m.  New House
        n.  New Car
        o. Wedding
        p.   Birth of a Baby
        q.   Any other

3. First Fruits
        a.     First salary
        b.     Profit from first sale
        c.     First month's rent
        d.     First day's profit
        e.     First quarter's dividend
        f.      First quarter's interest
        g.     First fruits from the garden
        h.     Firstling of the flock
        i.      First month's bonus
        j.      First month's raise in salary
        k.     Any other

4. Other Kinds of Giving
        a.     Vows made
        b.     Pledges made
        c.     Church building offering
        d.     Poor Fund
        e.     Designated giving (identify the purpose)
        f.      Missionary fund
        g.     Other ministries
        h.     Any other
In closing I would suggest that you follow all the key principles of giving mentioned in the Bible and develop a plan for giving.  Giving should be well planned.  How much are you going to give each week, each month or each year; to whom are you going to give; when are you going to give; in what form are you going to give should be planned well.  It does not mean that you do not have to give for any other cause under any other circumstances. Your plan should be flexible to some extent in some areas to permit giving in certain emergency situations and contingencies.  God expects us to give.  When much is given much is required of us.  Nothing belongs to us.  God has given us what we have and he expects us to be good stewards of what he has given us.  The Bible says that when we know to do good and do not do it, it is sin (James 4:17).  After reading this book you have no excuse for not giving according to the biblical principles.  The Bible says in James 1:22, “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves”.